
Rita Maria Schiestl

Unchaste to short sleeves
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
And that reminds me just a little too nice to turn. We had a catechist, who was also very athletic. But that was a - all were the Benedictines, with the black robes. And because we did once a week in a fair Achenwald, there is a small Church. And afterwards we had religious instruction. And according to the teaching of religion is this confident, Father came to my mom, the bathing suit on loan from my father because of myself had not even swim and is also gone. And a memory I still have, which is quite interesting, even to a catechist. He was very strict. When summer was, and we girls with short sleeves - my God, then they were not so short - or sleeveless, eh - when we were with short sleeves in religious education, we had to wear so black arm rests. I do not know why. Did he not see that the girls have since so bare arms, gelt. And even then, the boys teased me in school, have said: "Do you know that today the Lord is catechist" - "Mei", I said, "and I have no sleeves with props." Those are things that one can hardly imagine today, gelt.